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Even if you’ve set your Dock preferences not to animate when you click them, some applications insist on bouncing to get your attention. This brief tutorial will show you how to disable that behavior. If you open your System Preferences and select Dock, you can disable the animation (bouncing) that happens when you click an icon in your Dock. Just remove the check from the box labeled Animate opening applications.
But sometimes applications are set to “bounce” when they want your attention. To disable this feature, open a Terminal ( Applications - Utilities - Terminal) and enter the following commands: defaults write no-bouncing -bool TRUE and then killall Dock Your Dock will close, then open again. From now on, none of your Dock icons will bounce – ever.
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If at any point you want to reverse this, just enter the command: defaults write no-bouncing -bool FALSE and then killall Dock.
People have been trained that 'red requires attention' Whether it is the 'red X' of a Windows error dialog as opposed to the 'yellow!' Of an alert, the red jewel that closes a window in the default OS X and Windows UI themes as opposed to the yellow/green/gray 'non destructive' action buttons, the red 'hangup' button on the iPhone as opposed to the green 'call' button, or the red number badges in iOS / Mac notifications.
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In all those cases the red means a combination of 'pay attention to me' and either a form of 'there is danger here, be careful' or 'there is some action required'.