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— — — - - 1 — 1 -riri J nm rn'11 n'. t 111 1 iltfi Iil if it ne. 14-ut CONTENTS CU AMIGA MAGAZINE. AUGUST 1995 Public Domain. PD Scene There's a lot of garnet this month, which means less swirly demos than our Tech Ed would like, but there's still a lot of quality for very little money. FD Utilities 93 More programs to enhance your Amiga and make life easier. H value for money and variety is what you're after then check these pages outl Cover Feature Trouble- shooter Computers have an infuriating habit of not working when you really want them to.

When you buy new software or hardware or take them out of the closet to use them after the summer holi- day, they suddenly throw up a mysterious error or simply refuse t boot. Even in normal, everyday use, you may not be making the most of your Amiga because it simply won't let you. With a wealth of Q&A experience behind us, let CU Amiga Magazine make things easier. Games. 9 PREVIEW REVIEWS. Primal Rage 38 A familiar sight.

ThisTfavlng talked to Probe last month, we take a closer look at the game rtaetf. Scisi C ii I iv D CP 1^4 Colonization 42 Create a new world and subjugate an Indigenous race. Not very PC but top fun. Sensible Golf 47 Very sensible indeed. Cannon Fodder on the golf course. Time Keepers 54 An unusual and engaging arcade puzzle game from Vulcan software. Player Manager 2 Above averaqe management sim 52 Above average managemer with great tactical editor.

VFM 58 The tshar series gels the compilation treatment, Alan s tavounte lime wasters, Syndicate and Cannon Fodder an reviewed, plus On The Ball World Cup and Flashback. Layers Guides. » Snip Tips 60 Matt Broughto'i laka Matt The Medic) liom The One ■ gives us the benefit of his considerable games knowledge is. Jl.

Vampyra 61 i sr. AttH ■ nionth V Vamp (eveals »ll Wo wish j.Valhalla 2 Solution Ihc Lord 01 Infinity hits been complaining thai ii taking you loo long to finish his adventure. Cover Disks AMK»A ^-a?g 113 3Whster.100% better animations JMVilGfl w— wimaai »(uuw 11/1 mBSmmBmm 1 1. SUPER GHTER 2 I0IAUY EXCLUSIVE DEMO FEATUKirUG CAMMYAND L HDIUDA! Clarissa 2.0 8 Convert your animations into silky smooth movies with this amazing fully- featured program. Professional editing features are included to turn your Amiga into an animation workstation! Mutti CX 9 One of the best Workbench utilities to appear In years, Mu/liCX has a string of useful tricks up its sleeves.

You'll wonder how you ever got by without rt f llVSltfighter 12 Can you beat the mighty Honda while playing a bum-baring martial arts, nymphette? Well have a go with this completely exclusive demo featuring Cemmy (as played by Kylie Minogue in the movie version) and E. Honda Really trrff I Get Serious DPiint V Eb DPaint V 66 The long awaited latest version of the most famous paint package ever. Is H a significant improvement or an out of date classic? CyberVision 24-bit graphics 70 The latest and perhaps greatest of the third party video boards, the CyberVision Is a true 64- bii video engine. Does it shape up? Will this be the future Amiga's display card?

Cyberstorm 68060 71 The fastest Amiga accelerator ever and touted by Amiga Technologies as due lor inclusion in the new 4000/060. Here lies the future and the future is faaaaast! Apollo 1220 76 A120O budget accelerator put through its paces. Under powered accelerator, over powered RAM board or somewhere in between? Mega Mouse Plus 76 Successor to the Mighty Mega Mouse, this high' res rodent turns lab rat.

National Lottery Predictors 79 A look at software that promises to give you a secret edge to pull of the multi-million Jackpot. Techno-plus Joypad 79 A three button Amiga specific joypad thet should last forever. Siegfried Antivirus 80 A new commercial virus checker/eliminator. We give it a try. Hk^aV CD Production CD-Production 35 With the Increasing numbers of CDs available, and all that space (650Mb) to fill up, we take a look at how these read only disks are produced and what they are capable of. News News 20 An exclusive interview with Jonathon Anderson, boss of the newly formed UK branch of Amiga Technologies. See page 231 PLUS; The One becomes the latest casualty In the downturn of the Amiga's fortunes, cheaper IDE CD-ROMS are about to become a reality, new games are announced Including manage- ment slms for Formula 1 and British Touring Car Challenge and a free DOpus S upgrade Is on offer.

CD-ROM Reviews. World of Clip-Art 84. Ami net 6 84. Future Shock 2 85.

Almat hera lO on K 85. Magic Illusions 85 Advertisers' Index Editorial Have you ever had to work with an insane Australian? Southern hemisphere readers will either understand what I'm getting at or be highly insulted. The person in question is our latest personnel addition. Mat Bettmson, who has just joined us this issue as a staff writer against some stiff competition. Mat cites his interests as Comms, electronics, his A3000.

His Darkside BBS, beer brewing. Comms, programming. Comms and talking loud. You can expect great things from him. I was dismayed by new UK Amiga boss Jonathon Anderson's revelation that the A1200 will be priced not at £250.

But more than £100 above this see report on page 23) This is bad news, unless, as Jonathon explained the software promotional pack that goes out with it is absolutely superb. This price is. In my opinion, too high and I hope something can be done about it before launch.

Surety a lower, but fixed RRP would prevent the downward spiralling price wars that did much to damage the Amiga in the first place? Your chance to talk to Amiga Technologies is on page 34. Alan Dykes, Editor BACK ISSUES 109 OK, it you've missed any issues of this 1 abbo mag you have your chance to get up to date on page 109 - that's if the one you want hasn't already sold outl Oh, hurry) SUBSCRIPTIONS 120 Top comedy duo Fiona Malloch and Katharine Kleeb have raised the subscriptions stakes this month with a money oft offer on a cellular phone for new UK subscribers. There's a cool low cost subs offer tool Buyers Guide iOO We look at that most essential of peripherals, the hard drive. How, why and how much Is presented for your consideration, Directory Opus ioi Concluding the tutorial on the excellent Directory Opus, Andy Leaning tells it how it is. Image FX 102 Tony Horgan's excuse for soma strange looking pictures. Image Composition is the subject of this months lecture.

ProCalc io4 Andy Leaning wraps up the ProCalc tutorial with a bang. Comms no Comms Head Mat Bettlnson follows up last months Internet feature. Which modem and what to do with it. Graphics Masterclass 116 Peter Lee gets to grips with the new texture features In DPaint V: reviewed this month. Q+ A Masterclass 1 1 8 Automating and time synchronising with John Kennedy's Amiga going bump In the night. Questions and Answers 1 22 Light the Incense. The CU Amiga technical shaman meditate on your questions.

Frequently Asked Questions 125 Fielding the FAQ. John Kennedy deals swiftly with some more common queries. Backchat 1 26 Readers write and you can read what they write, or maybe you've written what other readers will read?

Oh forget It t Points of View i £n CU Amlga'a new man. Mat Bettlnson. Expresses concerns. about GVPs take-over and the ailing American market 1ST COMPUTER CENTRE.M 0113-231.44 KOMPAHT UK.11 04 IJ BIT SOFTWARE SO) 82 XTS PD ST 0170I-S425M AMIGANUTS. M- 01 703- 3.9943 MKROTRADE. 12 ACTIVE SOFTWARE SP-Sl 01 32V 342260 OTM.J2 v.

■. —.


74 CARE ELECTROtaCE 77 64 POWER COMPUnNG.IJC. J. flC 012j4-B4.111.rl CU AMIGA CLASSIFIEDS nj.11 S 0171-972 6700 PREMIER MAR. 129 72 I'AILI 2-744707 SEASOFT— IB ■11BMH »L717n EMERALD CREATIVE -11 Diai7tSSS66 SELECT A FONT.15 36 EPIC MARKETING.50-51, 7S.» 0171 iioiea SILICA SYSTEMS.14- 15 0181-309 1111 EXCLUSIVE P0.—9S 00 SOFTWARE 2000.06-87 0I374-67BO6O FAST COMPUTER SUPPLIES.

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S7 0177J-M0761 VIRGIN nTERACnVE.7 0101-000 225. GREYTR0NICS.4S 0181-606 0973 VISAGE COMPUTERS 73 01 GROUND ZERO 1402 WIZARD DEVELOPMENTS.31 01 122.27 7.01 rj.Ti.9a 8WJ7 WIZARD GAMES J» 06 Ml SOFT AVA.4I 01S2S-7161B1 ZONE 1 S3 55 INDI DIRECT 3-419999 Editorial EDITOR; Alan 'Sick, but mainly timer Dykes DEPUTY EDITOR: Lisa Two and a half weeks. I'm hlWoilir Colllni TECHNICAL EDITOR: Tony 'New DJ gig In Brixton' Morgan STAFF WRITER: Mat 'I've never tared for furry animal.

Bettmson GAMES EDITOR: Mat The One and only' Broughton ART EDITOR: Helen Nicole et Ib pent Clio' Danby DESIGNER: Anthony Button and Barrall are deed if ihey mention Kelly again' Collin. TECHNICAL CONSULTANT. John Do you know Ihe moaning ol NOW. Kennedy CONTRIBUTORS: Andy Leaning.

Andy Mitchell. Martin Davie., David Ca.sldy. Larry Hkkmotl.

Nick Una., Steve Oakwood. Harry A mill ADDITIONAL DESIGN Mark 'Beer' Edward.

Jenny Abrock HEPRO AND SYSTEMS: Sarah-Jana Leavy and Nkk Splttler' Claridge COVER ARTWORK: Courtesy ol Kobal Collection. The Outlaw Jo.ay Wale.' c Warnet Bros. A^lV€3rtisir^iViarig Ef MarwjenerTt ADMIN. Jennifer Kilcawloy.

Annabel Green, Nina Thanjal. Kolly Roger. and Rob McBride ADVERTISING MANAGER; Justine Shhhl David la right beiide me!' Cariwn DEPUTY AD MANAGER Chri. 'Er. Does thi. console thing have any PD then?'

Parera AD PRODUCTION: Tina Gynn. Vicky Jacob. and Ryan Boundy PRODUCT MANAGER: Fiona Bar code' Malloch SUBSCRIPTIONS MANAGER: Katharine Kleeb HEAD OF MARKETING: Nigel Taylor PUBLISHING DIRECTOR: Graham Taylor PUBLISHING DIRECTOR David Kelly Contacts Whan contacting CU AMIGA there era two golden rules 1: Send youi letters alt in the tight department end please do not send a stamped self-addressed anvelope. 2 Please -em em bar ihat we have lo write and produce youi favourite megajine every month so trv 10 keep you. Correspondence shod end to the point Although wa d love to. We simply cannot reply personally to Ihe hundred.

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Priory Court, 30-32 Farringdon Una, London EC1R 3AU Alternatively e-mail us et cuamlgei&cixcompulink PD SUBMISSIONS We get hundreds of new PD programs every week, but we're still hungry for more H you've written a, P'.9'. m «■. you're proud ol send H to the PD ZONE. Priory Court. 30-32 Farrinqdnn Lane, London EC1R 3AU ' COMPETITIONS CU AMIGA runs messive competitions almost every issue To enter one ol these simply put your name and address on the back of postcard, along with the enawers and send them to us at tha usual address Competition entries ere only accepted by post One entry per person please end the editor's decision Is final Winners will be notified by post. Other rules may be printed from time to time SUBSCRIPTIONS and BACK ISSUES II you're led up hunting around lor CU AMIGA every month there.

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COVER DISK PROBLEMS If you have a faulty covet disk then write or return your disk to our 3S inch people CU AMIGA COVER DISK RETURNS. WILLOW COURT. BOURION INDUSTRIAL PARK BOU RTON - ON-THE -WATE R, GLOUCESTERSHIRE.

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keep E-maH brief end to the point. ■ EMAP Images 1995 No part ol this maguine may be reproduced In any form, either electronic or mechanical, without the ■■press written permission of Ihe publishing directors PRINTED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM ABC: 61.409 Jul - Dec 1994 From the makers of Sensible Soccer and Cannon Fodder comes the best golf game in ages.

Join up to eight friends and marvel at the gorgeous graphics and smooth scrolling scenery. Play at any of 24 original courses. Available for Amiga & PC. Q 1994 Sensible Software. © 1994 Virgin Inleiodive bMrJ.Ml ((wope) Ltd. Virgin ii a reghleted Irodenwk ol Virgin ■lerprim lid. Al fighti reused.

Floppy users: See Special loading instructions on page 16 System requirements C/arissa 2 from this month's cover disk will run on any Amiga with Workbench 2 or higher and a minimum of 1Mb of RAM. However, extra RAM and a hard drive are recom- mended for all but the smallest projects. Animations use up a lot of memory, and the program also needs memory for its own buffers. If you find Clarissa will not play or process one of your animations, return to the program used to create the animation, and reduce the number of colours, screen resolution and frames until it's smalt enough to handle. Anyone using a 1Mb Amiga who wants to get into ani- mation is strongly advised to upgrade their RAM.

In fact, anyone who is still using a 1Mb Amiga for anything at all should think seriously about upgrading! Clarissa Disk 2 Disk 2 of Clarissa (entitled C/ar/ssa-Demol) contains a demonstration animation and the SSAPlay utility. SSAPlay is used to replay SSA animations without having to go use the Clarissa program. For full details on using SSAPlay, read the document on the disk. To view the demo anima- tion, double click on the icon marked Demol. Super Smooth Animation System Give your animations a touch of class, by transforming them with Clarissa 2, the super smooth animation system.

(J) e all know how adept the Amiga is at creat- ing and playing anima- tions, but there's always room for improvement. For example, have you ever had an animation that just wasn't quite smooth enough during playback? The chances are that Clarissa can get it running at 50 frames per second, the magical figure required for silky smooth movement. StartecP Before you load up the Clarissa program, you'll need an anima- tion to work on. There's one sup- plied on the second Clarissa disk, but you'll get a better idea of what's possible if you use one of your own.

Clarissa can load Anim5 files and sequences of IFF pictures files. These can be created in a number of programs such as Deluxe Paint, Brilliance, Imagine, Real 3D and many others. If by any chance you don't have any program capable of creating an Anim5 file or a sequence of IFF images, then you can still experi- ment with the demo animation for now. First of all refer to page 16 for full loading instructions.

OK now come back and start reading this bit Once Clarissa has loaded, the first thing you need lo do is load in an animation. To do this, hold down the right mouse button and select Load Animation from the Project menu.

If you see a window stating that the animation cannot be re resented in AGA mode, just click on the box marked Yes, and the anim will be converted. COVER DISKS mmm you can process your -j!-:- N must be convened to rtK«d format (unless it was M§y created in interlace Dal Click on the Change Anim mm button, followed by the u» Lace button. Then click on Sou'ce A button when asked iftoct an animation for conver- l Use the Return button to get k to the original panel. Now you're ready to convert your animation into Clarissa's SSA (super smooth) format, Click on the small circle icon in the top panel, and then click on OK when asked if you want to Produce/ expand the animation. Click on the small button marked with a triangle (it's between two other icons with left and right facing arrows on them). You should now see your anima- tion playing back smoother and faster than ever before! To save out your new super smooth animation, select Save Animation from the Project menu.

Use the file requester as usual to select the destination for your new animation, and click on Save to save it out. And there you have it. Go the m; jazme, seen the disk now get ttie vidi The best way to learn about Clarissa is to take advantage of the free video offer with this magazine. This takes you through the main areas of the system with audio and visual guides to getting the most from the program.

See the backing board from this magazine for details. If your board has gone astray, call Burgess Video on 01874 611 633 and ask about the free Clarissa video offer from CU Amiga Magazine. Tricks of the trade Clarissa's main function is to convert Anim5 animations into a faster smoother format called SSA. SSA animations play back faster and smoother by exploiting a side effect of the Amiga's interlace mode. Interlace mode doubles the vertical resolution of the screen by inserting an extra line between each of the original lines in the picture.

It does this every 'half frame', which on a PAL display is every 25th of a second. In effect, interlace screens are made up ol two images, which are rapidly flicked from one to the other.

It's this flipping that leads to the flicker usually associated with inter- lace mode, When C/arissa converts a normal Anim5 animation, it uses the double frame buffering of interlace mode to display two as many frames in the time that would normally be used to display one frame, hence the speed increase. Once this speed increase is such that 50 frames can be displayed every second (the same display rate of a PAL TV or monitor), the animation suddenly takes on a silky smooth quality. MultiCX Workbench IMBties Requires Workbench 2 or higher MultiCX will make your Workbench a nicer place to be. Omazingly small for what it offers. Multi- CX $ a barrow load of utilities all in one small commodity. It does the job of a number of programs with jjst a fraction of the memory 'equtrernents.

Because it's a commodity, it won't work under OS 1.3 since the commodities feature was introduced in 2.0. There's also one version for OS 2.0 and another for OS 3.0 and up. To use MultiCX. It's a matter of dragging the appropriate icon into your WBStartup drawer. MultiCX has no graphic user interface for edit- ing the parameters. Instead they are all specified in the icon tool types. Double click MultiCX once to start it and again to pop up the Workbench icon informa- tion viewer/editor.

There you can see all of the configuration parameters for MultiCX. As soon as you have made some changes, hitting the save button will bring them instantly into effect. MultiCX has a lot of features, some of which include: screen blanking (plain or moire); mouse accelera- tion with start threshold; screen cycling can be assigned to the middle button of a three button mouse); mouse shifting; window cycling and activation. Other features include entering hex ASCII codes via the keypad for strange characters. 'Capshift' stops hotkeys being affected by caps lock and makes shift do uncapitalised letters.

There are hot keys for closing and zooming win- dows and flushing libraries. It will remember the last active window when cycling screens (very handy). PopCli makes a CLI pop up on a » hotkey, there's a border blanker, and an option to turn off the disk MtrkftiKb Scrttn 2 Zlo Uorkb»ncfc:HBSt«rtu» WorttotJi M HultlOCJKJ (Tool) 17 871 ft 2M8 JUl l7-Jurt-95 IMb:2l Neu HOTFLUSH=LftLT CONTROL f (SCR8LIWK»«) I0T8UHK=LM.T CONTROL b (CDN08LBNK) ■ (CDIMLBNK) RV01DTISK=StweShttterf? (flVOIMCRHNO Set ( Cancel Tiie MultiCX ammcteri.' adjusted via ike lew Tooltypei as u.a hart.

As iosa ai savt is label- ed, if MultiCX is running (hen the changes will come into effect immediately drive clicking. The '.' symbol can be made to act as a valid wildcard like '#?' The audio filter can be switched on and off.

And much more besides. Full documentation is on the cover disk and is worth a look for a more indepth explana- tion of all the features that MultiCX provides. Many of the configura- tion values that can be entered into the tooltypes are already there so you can see how many of them work. MultiCX can be removed from the system by the Workbench utility CX-Exchange. Have funl buying manufacturer mean prices and a service second to none A Wrth the Amiga Oer.HU»r Graphic Tablet you can.ItaamUna the operation ol moil graphic o' CAD programs.

A The QenltUer Graph -c Intel ullllaes luteal technology lo offer up to 1000 dpi resolution at lhe Up ot a stytus. A Complete 9'«a' dtgituing area plua super accutaW sty tin comtuno lo anabw laal.

Accurate and aa.y control A Worka Oy ' mouse emulation' to me Gerutnar will worm wfVh fnoal packages wham mouaa input li tha uaual memod-Deluae Paint. Photon Paint. CAO Packages, ate. A Supplied with lampUla tor Dahue Paint. A Thla la Ilia Input method uaad on professional systems. A Faat input of drawing by 'tracing' la made easy - plua 'absolute rnfareriee. mean.

you can move around I ha MIDI MASTER PROFESSIONAL MIDI INTERFACE screen many tlmea faster than by a mouse. A The Genltlier f Ha In tha larUU port ol your Amiga n 200/1 40OV2O0O and 'cc-eilets. with mouse. A Unlike ■ mouse, the tablet givea aoaMule co- ordinates ao Inal tracking and menu selochons are poialble from lha tablet face A A pressure sensitive awltch built kvto tha stylus tip ectraalss ma TaMI overriding the normal mouaa Input. When you are nol using tha Tablet, you have normal rnouM control. FREE PC INSTALLATION PACK if.

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A Fan cooled. On/Off switch. A Heavy duty case A 13 Amp uk approved mains lead. A Switch mode electronic system. A Direct plug-In replacement.

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