Solved: Bento 4
I'm trying to run mp4dash with two inputs representing the same video in different size: mp4dash video-small.mp4 video-large-2.mp4 -no-split -no-media -verbose -use-segment-list It fails with ERROR: video tracks are not aligned I've tracked down that error that is raised Apparently, some sample counts differ. Sample counts are generated and I have honestly no idea what they correspond to. The large and small videos have been previously fragmented with mp4fragment (no particular settings) and the original versions have been created with ffmeg using the same original video as input and simply changing size settings. When you package multi-bitrate video, you need to ensure that all the variants of your video streams have key frames at the same location, so that the fragments in the variant streams are aligned. The typical encoding workflow is to configure an encoder/transcoder to produce one file per bitrate, in a way that guarantees the alignment of GOPs (Group Of Picture), so that a valid, aligned, set of DASH segments can be made.
My system for remote editing: System A: get a notebook. Write down what you want to capture when you are away from your comp. System B: Run your org mode on a linode. When you sit down, check your notebook. Temporary .spacemacs configuration file for mac download.
Some encoders can produce files that are already in fragmented-mp4 form, but some don't (in which case mp4fragment is used to fragment the encoder output). It isn't always easy to constrain encoders/transcoders to produce outputs with fixed GOP sizes (encoders try to be smart, with features like automatic scene-cut detection, etc.), but it is necessary. Some encoders are sophisticated enough to know about multi-bitrate encoding right from the start, which is more efficient than doing multiple single-bitrate encodings. The simple utility included in the Bento4 distribution shows how this can be done with ffmpeg (both for h.264 and hevc). Just got the same problem.
Solved: Bento 4x4
I actually use scene detection on purpose, it's simply way better with than without (better for visual quality for fast moving dynamic scenes), but always with fixed 2 seconds GOP alignment, which corresponds to 2 seconds segment size that I want to use in fmp4 hls with mp4dash.